Back to Australia

A lot changes in five weeks. That’s the length of time I’ve been away in Europe. Here’s a few things that have happened.

Lillian turned 4 years old.

Arlo helps Lil unwrap a birthday present

 Edward can now crawl but is too busy eating in this photo to demonstrate his new-found skill.

The underpass to the beach is being repainted by Trevor Dickinson. It’s almost finished and it looks good.

And it’s winter! Cold, windy but blue, clear skies. The wind was a westerly this weekend so that means big seas. Lots of people were down at the foreshore to look at the huge waves crashing over the Baths.

High tide draws a crowd at Newcastle Baths

I’m hoping that by mid-week I’ll be over the jet-lag. Does it get worse as you get older I wonder? It seems to be taking longer than usual to shake off.

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